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therapy in Locust Point | B'well Counseling Services

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therapy in Locust Point | B'well Counseling Services

telehealth counseling services

virtual therapy in Locust Point

Due to COVID-19, our team is currently providing telehealth rather than in-person services to clients in Locust Point. To learn more about telehealth appointments, you can visit our teletherapy page or click below to contact us directly.

THERAPY IN Locust Point

About B'Well Counseling Services

Are you looking for person-centered therapy in Locust Point? We believe in helping people rekindle their curiosity and reconnect to their core selves so that they can truly be well. We value wellness and connection over happiness because we understand that being able to experience the full range of human emotions and experiences is what helps us heal and grow.

A New Approach to therapy in Locust Point

OUR Therapy Services

We share space with people, not problems, and work from a perspective that considers the systems and both the overt and covert cultural traumas that impact a person.

This is just a sampling of our therapy services. To inquire more about therapy in Locust Point, click the button below.

Anxiety & Depression therapy

We recognize, value, and appreciate every feeling on the spectrum, and believe that true healing stems from widening our emotional range and staying connected with our core selves


Management Therapy

We know that both eustress (“good” stress) and distress (“bad” stress) have an impact on how we show up in our daily lives and we help people process the stress their holding.

Gender Affirmative Therapy

Reconnecting with our most authentic selves is not a self-serving pursuit: it is one of our highest and most personal responsibilities and at B’well Counseling.

Life Transitions Therapy

When our fear of change influences how we perceive ourselves and our circumstances, we are faced with a choice: to get stuck in the “stories we tell ourselves about ourselves” or to act in alignment with our values.

Adolescent & Child Therapy

We are here to assist future generations not only survive but thrive in their development so that they can grow into adults who recognize, assert, and spread the need for authentic connection, love, and consideration of others. 



Holistic counseling aims at helping people heal by taking into consideration the entire person, which encompasses psychological, experiential, and spiritual contexts.

therapy in Locust Point | B'well Counseling Services

OUr Therapists in Baltimore

B'Well Team

Get to know the B'well staff and reach out to set up an appointment with one of our B'well therapists today!

Our Online Resource

B'Well Blog

Read on for information and insights from our therapists through our free articles on the B'well blog. Whether you're looking for support with stress management, anxiety, grief & loss, or Intuitive Eating, you can find our online resources here.

therapy in Locust Point | B'well Counseling Services

Looking for Counseling in Locust Point?

Connect with Us

You've taken the time to explore our site and learn more about what we have to offer. Now, let's connect. Contact us today to take the next step on your way to healing and growth.

We offer therapy in Locust Point and all surrounding areas.

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